EMS SIM SERIES – Barfight.

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Not Enrolled
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In this course, the practitioner will work through an online simulated trauma patient. Within the sim, you will face decision points about selecting the correct action. The proper selection will lead the practitioner through the sim; the incorrect selection will loop them back to the decision point, explaining why it may not be the best choice. Throughout this course, formative evaluations (decision points), videos, and interactions with the “host” guide the practitioner through the sim to the final summative evaluation.


Alberta Collage of Paramedics

9 credits for continuing education.

Saskatchewan of Pramedics

6 credits for continuing education.

How the sim works

Each sim has 1 to 3 sim lessons to work through. Each lesson has a sim, an e-book containing all the education components from the sim if you still need to find it all, and activities/knowledge checks to reinforce the material in the sim.  At the end of the sim is a final assessment where you need to score 80%. You are awarded a certificate once you have completed the sim and final evaluation.

Learning Outcomes and NOCP

This course is approved by the Alberta College of Paramedics for 9 CREDITS for continuing education.

Check out Ulearn Online EMS SIM